
Coffee is a funny part of my life.
For the bulk of the last 16 years, i have drunk a copious amount of tea. Huge amounts. and in amongst that, some energy drinks until 4 years ago, then i started drinking coffee. Not a lot, just regularly. Standard one cup a day. So not heaps addicted. Didn’t get the shakes in thailand when we didn’t have it. Or when we went to india. But going two months without coffee, meant that when you return home, and start drinking it again, your body goes nuts! Its like that first time you have a quad shot latte just before getting on a flight to new zealand.

In Cambodia we found this amazing ice coffee stand, perfect iced coffee for 40c. We went there a lot. But returning to australia, the coffee was suddenly different. Warm and un sugary. Then i retrained my body and got to a place where i was drinking white coffee with no sugar. I was happy in my coffee world. Sometimes the coffees would move from morning to just after lunch to smooth out after lunch food coma.

In East timor tho… coffee was now brewed almost turkish with sludgey amounts of sugar. and to not be rude, we would drink half our body weight in the stuff, drink no water, and walk up and down hills all day. and my body grew to love the black sugar tar, served to us by lovely women that we could only point to things and say words. and then laugh.

Returning this time tho, was entirely different. Coffee repulsed me. It was absolutely disgusting. My body was so used to sugar tar, that it wouldnt accept smooth, milky flat whites that i had loved for so long. as i weened myself back on to actual coffee i began drinking copious amounts of tea on top. black tea, licorice tea, chai, green tea, jasmine tea, peppermint tea, earl grey tea.

Then just the other day, my room mate mentioned… ‘maybe you should try drinking less tea’ and it reminded me of my dad. my dad used to drink litres of tea a day. but to make sure he wasnt addicted he went a month without any tea every year.

Say all that the say this.
I love coffee, i love tea. i also really like water. but im finding more and more that if you drink too much of any of these, your body does certain things. some great. some not so great. and thus i am fascinated by the body God has given us.

Fascinated. – part two to come.

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